

Yup. It’s the official WTF happened to Twisted Sister lit mag — and you might say, EVERYTHING happened, and EVERYTHING continued (and is continuing) to happen, and we had to give a severe and very abrupt halt to all Twisted proceedings around here.  Insert VERY SINCERE Standard Canadian Apologies for dropping off the edge of the earth, but you know, I kinda like a good come back story, so who knows what the future may bring. 

That said, the work is still around, and it might take some digging *unearths frozen moose balls and Todd Lee Lacks’ Barbies* but hopefully well get some renos and reorg going soon.

And here’s the official thank you to all of you out there — dear readers, dear writers, without you, Twisted Sister is nothing. Truly, and it’s been a helluva ride.

You guys gave it, you gave it your best — thrillers, scares, blood, guts and gore — you gave it fast, you gave it hard; you gave those well written f*cked up pieces that nobody knew what to do with. You kept to the rules of safe, sane, consensual, and although bad things happened (and Liz McAdams is NEVER allowed near a baseball bat again), violence wasn’t gratuitous and spatter-porn and no children, women, or animals were hurt — the rules were bent in weird and wonderful ways, and all kinds of fantastic, real live people were involved in making this site into Twisted Sister lit mag.

You gave it your all.

So, again, thank you everyone. Truly, from the depths of good ol’ Ed. Note’s heart.

And, if you’ve just dropped in, stick around, check it out, and poke in those dark corners, and please be careful, those things *do* bite.


Twisted Sister

Click here for more on what’s up with the non-paying site and the truth behind Twisted Sister (you’d be surprised) or if you want to find out more on our take on feminist horror.