About Twisted Sister

Photo credit - Kyle Hemmings
Photo credit – Kyle Hemmings

We are Twisted Sister – the lit mag (with apologies to Dee Snider)

Who the heck are we?

I am you.

(Peter Straub, Ghost Story)

If you like things on the darker side, this is the place for you. Vampires, werewolves, zombies, shapeshifters — noir or whatever, c’mon down. If you find yourself reading or writing weird twisted stuff that somehow makes sense, c’mon down, this is your space, my friend. Walk around, check it out, get cozy. We don’t bite, hard;)


After facing rejection after rejection from *cough, cough* male editors for work that went on to win contests and be placed in some pretty good places, we gave realized there wasn’t a feminist and queer positive space for showcasing great work that just happens to be dark. And twisted.

And voila, Twisted Sister lit mag was born.

For a deeper dive into the origin of Twisted Sister lit mag (and why we ripped off Dee Snider for the name) check out The Truth Behind Twisted Sister — for how in early days when that band wasn’t getting any radio play, they bought air time in the form of commercials to showcase their work… hmmm, sound familiar?

If you wanna know more about what we think about feminist horror and dark fantasy, we’ve got a post for you here, and what we think about writing is over there. Everything else is just hanging out all over, but you might want to start with our contributor’s page and check the freaks over there.

And sadly, although we’re not taking any more submissions, we do have some fantastic work all around. Be sure to check it out. 


Twisted Sister

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